2023 Archibaco アキバコ - TSUNO - #01
▍Artist ▍しまうち みか/塩井 一孝/Tomohiro Hanada/佐土嶋 洋佳/竹野 大喜
▍期 間:2023年5月13日(土)- 28日(日)
▍時 間:11:00-16:00
▍入 場:入場無料
▍会 場:福岡県田川郡添田町津野1908(徳乗寺近くの空家)
▍お問合せ : artstunnel@gmail.comまたはLINE公式アカウントから
▍主 催:NPO法人アーツトンネル
▍共 催:株式会社BOOK /手島不動産
▍後 援:添田町(津野地域まちづくりアイデアコンテスト事業)
①Artist Talk -トンネルに火を灯す-
時 間:14:00-16:00
場 所:展示会場
Artist :塩井 一孝/Tomohiro Hanada/佐土嶋 洋佳
Host :タカキユウト
②Artist Workshop - 写光石ワークショップ in 津野 -
時 間:13:00-16:00(約3時間)
場 所:展示会場
定 員:6名(事前予約制・先着順)
Artist :塩井 一孝
申込方法 QRを読み取るかURLから必要事項をご記入ください。
③Fieldwork -添田町津野の歴史ある集落を散策します-
時 間:13:00-14:00
場 所:展示会場
2023 Archibaco Akibako - TSUNO - #01
Artist ▍Artists ▍Mika Shimauchi / Kazutaka Shioi / Tomohiro Hanada / Hiroka Sadoshima / Daiki Takeno
▍Period: Saturday, May 13 - Sunday, May 28, 2023
▍Hours: 11:00-16:00
▍Admission: Free
▍Venue: 1908 Tsuno, Soeda-cho, Tagawa-gun, Fukuoka (a vacant house near Tokujoji Temple)
▍Contact : artstunnel@gmail.comまたはLINE公式アカウントから
▍Organizer: NPO Arts Tunnel
▍Co-sponsored by: BOOK Corporation / Teshima Real Estate
▍Sueda Town (Tsuno Community Development Idea Contest Project)
Archibaco" is a project to utilize unused "vacant houses" as art galleries to exhibit and sell both artists' works and vacant houses. By utilizing vacant houses in the community as galleries, bringing people together in the community and creating communication through art and architecture, the project aims to revitalize the asset value of unused vacant houses, which are increasing due to the declining birthrate and aging population, and create new flows of people, things, and services.
Related Events
1) Artist Talk -Lighting the Tunnel
The tunnel between the artist and the artwork. Through dialogue with the artist, we will light the tunnel and take a peek into it. This talk event will be held as follows.
Saturday, May 13
Time: 14:00-16:00
Admission: Free
Place: Exhibition venue
Artist :Kazutaka Shioi / Tomohiro Hanada / Hiroka Sadoshima
Host : Yuto Takaki
Artist Workshop - Shakouseki Workshop in Tsuno
This is a one-day workshop to create "Shakouseki," an artwork that encapsulates light in stone. Join artist Kazutaka Shioi for a walk around the Tsuno area and experience a mysterious artwork.
May 21 (Sun.)
Time: 13:00-16:00 (about 3 hours)
Participation fee: 9,000 yen
Place: Exhibition hall
Capacity: 6 people (advance reservations required, first-come-first-served basis)
Ages: Children to adults (5 years old and up), parents and children are welcome to participate.
What to bring: Digital camera or smart phone
Artist :Kazutaka Shioi
How to apply Please read the QR or fill in the required information from the URL.
*If you would like more than one person to participate, please apply for one person at a time.
Click here for the application form.
Please wear comfortable clothes that you can move around in and don't mind getting dirty. Please bring rain gear.
③Fieldwork -We will walk around the historic village of Tsuno, Soeda-cho.
May 14 (Sun) / 28 (Sun)
Time: 13:00-14:00
Admission: Free
Place: Exhibition hall
Special WEB site is here.